How To Make A Spider Plant Bushier (Pro Tips)

Pro tips on how to make your spider plant bushier and larger

People love spider plants because they are gorgeous and easy to tend.

But not a few who wonder why their spider plants are sparse and leggy.

They want to know how to make spider plants bushier.

One of the causes is overexposure to sunlight.

But there is more to it.

You’ve come to the right place if you have sparse spider plants and want to make them look bushy.

Do keep reading. This article will explore why spider plants are sparse, how to make them bushier, and what to do with their spiderettes.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

How do you make a spider plant bushier?

There are several ways to make a spider plant bushier. The instant and easy technique is to plant several individual spider plants in the same pot.

By doing so, your plants will indeed look fuller and bushier.

But it would be best to use a fresh potting mix containing some organic fertilizer and compost to feed many spider plants in one pot.

Do not forget to hydrate them regularly, since more plants in one pot need to drink more often.

Another way to make your spider plants bushier is to let them sit in indirect sunlight for at least 6 hours daily.

Your plants need photosynthesis to make food. Good-fed spider plants will grow bushier.

It’s good to remember that those plants are native to coastal areas in South Africa.

High temperatures and humidity are ideal for spider plants.

Thus, mimicking their native climate will also help them grow bushier.

Pruning spider plants also helps your plants develop into healthier and bushier plants.

So, cut all the brown and dead leaves, including removing them if some fall on the surrounding area.

Rotten leaves and stems attract bugs and diseases to your plants.

Also, think about separating overcrowded mother plants into separate plants by pulling the root ball apart.

It would help if you were careful not to damage the roots. After that, replant the divisions.

This method can also help your spider plants thrive and become bushier.

Why is your spider plant so sparse?

Sparse spider plants are the result of improper care or incorrect environmental conditions.

All plants, including spider plants, look thin and scanty because they don’t like their present state.

The wrong environments could include too much or too little sunlight, too much or too little water, a lack of nutrients, and hygiene issues.

As ground-level plants, spider plants love bright indirect sunlight.

Direct sunlight for more than 5 hours will pale and thin the leaves.

Also, if they are in direct afternoon sunlight for a long time, they will “burn,” and the leaves will eventually turn brown and fall off.

On the other hand, spider plants that do not get enough sunlight or are placed in dim light for too long will also look sparse and leggy.

You need to move them to a spot that receives bright indirect sunlight for at least 5 hours daily.

Do not forget to remove brown leaves from the potting mix in or around the pot.

Clean and tidy environments prevent your plants from diseases.

Another cause is the lack of nutrients.

Spider plants will enter dormancy and stop growing if they aren’t fed properly.

At least once a year, they need to be repotted by replacing the old, exhausted potting mix with fresh soil and compost.

Should I cut the shoots off my spider plant?

Yes, you should cut the shoots off your spider plants.

The longer you let the spiderettes hang on the leaves, the more food and energy the mother plants need to share with the pups.

So, by cutting off the shoots, you will improve and rejuvenate the mother plant’s appearance and vigor.

Another reason, too many spiderettes on the plant will cause the mother plant to droop over to the side.

Thus, it needs to remove them to let the main plant develop into a vigorous plant of manageable size.

Now, what to do with the spiderettes?

You can plant them or discard them.

Suppose you want to plant them. First, cut the spiderettes with little roots and plant them in individual pots.

Spiderettes with roots have a better chance to grow.

Also, spider plant care for the spiderettes resembles the care for adult plants.

They need 6–12 hours of bright indirect sunlight each day.

Feed them once in the growing season, mainly in spring and summer.

Be sure to fertilize them half of the amount written on the label.

And water them once or twice a week.

As spider plants are sensitive to chlorine, it is better to use bottled water to hydrate them.

Also, prune broken leaves at the base of spider plants because such leaves will not grow back and heal on their own.

Also, prune the foliage at the base of spider plants to maintain their shape.


The practical and instant way to make your spider plant bushier is to plant several individual plants in the same pot.

Another way is to allow your plants to sit in a spot that receives at least 6 hours of bright indirect sunlight daily.

Your plants need sunlight for photosynthesis to make food to grow bushier.

But if your spider plants are sparse, they might suffer from inappropriate environments or improper care.

Your plants need enough bright indirect sunlight, enough water, and nutrients.

Keeping your plants free of dead leaves or rotten stems will encourage new leaf growth.

Such practice also includes cutting off the shoots or spiderettes because having too many spiderettes will weaken the mother plant.

Is your spider plant thin and scanty? What do you do to make them bushier? Please share your experience!

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