Do Spider Plants Like Humidity? (Answered)

find out whether your spider plants like humidity or not

Many new plant parents are unsure whether their spider plants like humidity or not, and what type of environment they prefer.

While many people don’t realize it, spider plants actually like humidity and will thrive in humid environments. Although it can be kept in a low humidity environment, spider plant grows best in a humid environment.

Your spider plant will grow faster and produce more foliage if you keep it in a humid environment. 

After all, the spider plant is a tropical plant that likes warm temperatures and a moist environment.

In this blog post we will share with you some of the things you should know about spider plants and humidity.

I will also share some tips on how to increase humidity in your home or office, so your spider plants can enjoy a happy and healthy home life.

Let’s get started.

What humidity do spider plants require?

The spider plant is a popular houseplant and thrives in a variety of environments. It can be kept small or large, and is easy to grow.

Because of their long, thin leaves that grow upward from the ground, they are the perfect plant for a home, office or apartment.

Spider plants can survive in a wide range of humidity, and are very tolerant of poor growing conditions.

They do well in both humid and dry homes, and can be grown inside and outside of your house.

If you have spider plants in your home, you want a humidity level around 40% to 60% at all times.

While it is possible to keep your spider plants at lower humidity, it is not recommended.

Spider plants require a good amount of humidity in their environment to grow properly.

You should be aware of this fact, because you will need to monitor the humidity levels in your home or office.

If the humidity level is too low, your spider plants will wilt and start to dry out.

This will cause them to look unkempt and their leaves to start to turn brown.

A gentle misting every now and again will keep the air surrounding your spider plants wet enough to encourage lush, attractive growth.

What conditions do spider plants like?

Spider plants are tropical plants, and therefore they thrive in warm temperatures and moist environments. By comparison, they dislike extreme cold or heat. 

The ideal conditions in which a spider plant can thrive are between 60°F and 70°F with a relative humidity of 40% to 60%.

This is a range that most homes can achieve, but you may have to adjust your heating and cooling system to meet these specific needs.

Spider plants will not survive freezing temperatures, so they are not suitable for living outdoors in colder regions. This plant also does not like direct sunlight, as it will burn its leaves.

Despite that, it is possible to grow spider plants in a broad variety of conditions since they are extremely tolerant of poor growth circumstances.

Also read: Do Spider Plants Need Sun?

How does humidity affect your spider plant?

The growth of your spider plants is affected by humidity. It will affect the health of your spider plants if you have them indoors.

For example, if the humidity is good, they will grow fast into strong, lush plants, with bright colored leaves.

On the other hand, if the humidity is too low, your spider plants will grow slowly and weakly, with yellowish-brown leaves.

You will see brown tips on your spider plants if the humidity level is too low.

Fortunately, you can easily tell if your spider plant needs more or less humidity by looking for some symptoms.

When the air is excessively dry, or low in humidity, the spider plant’s leaf tips will turn brown and dry out.

In rare cases, if the humidity is too high, the spider plant will react in one of two ways.

It’s difficult for a spider plant to evaporate its water content in humid climates, so excess water is more likely to be a problem. Symptoms such as black leaves and root rot may appear in this case.

To avoid these problems, try to keep your spider plants at a moderate humidity level.

You should be aware that the ideal humidity level for spider plants is between 40% to 60%.

If you are having issues with your spider plants, it is best to check the humidity levels in your home.

Also read: Why is My Spider Plant Turning Yellow? (Causes and Fixes)

Do spider plants like the bathrooms?

Yes, your spider plants will like the bathroom because it is usually one of the warmest and moist rooms in the house.

In fact, I recommend putting your spider plant in the bathrooms when winter comes. This way, you will have the perfect conditions for them.

The temperature of the bathroom is warm, the humidity is high, and there are no direct sunlight or drafts.

This is a great place for your spider plants to grow well.

You should make sure that you clean the bathroom regularly, so you will not find any mold or mildew growth on the floor or walls.

If you do not have a bathroom in your home, you can always use the kitchen.

This is the place where you will find a lot of moisture, which is perfect for growing spider plants.

Also read: Houseplant Care Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Take Care of A Houseplant

How to increase the humidity level for your houseplants?

We know now that spider plants like humidity. So, how can we improve the humidity in our homes? 

Here are some ways you can increase the humidity level in your house so you can keep your spider plants healthy and happy.

Keep the plants together

If you put the spider plants in a group, they will work together to increase the humidity in the area around them.

Because photosynthesis naturally releases moisture into the atmosphere, the plants will work together to enhance the overall humidity in the area surrounding them, increasing the shared humidity.

In addition, grouping many of your houseplants together will slow down the transpiration process, and will keep the humidity in your home higher than if you had only one plant.

Use gravel or pebble trays

Set your spider plants on top of a layer of pebbles or gravel stones in the tray, then add water until the pebbles are barely covered.

The stones will keep the plant above the water, so the roots don’t get wet all the time.

As the water evaporates from the tray, the relative humidity surrounding the plant will also rise.

This is an affordable way if you want to increase the humidity level around your houseplant.

Mist the plant

If you have a small spider plant, misting it regularly will help to increase the humidity around it.

When you mist them, the water will help them to transpire and will increase the humidity level around them.

A simple sprinkling of water is often all that is required to raise the humidity level for your spider plant.

Get a humidifier

If you do not have any other option to increase the humidity in your home, you can get a humidifier.

Humidifiers are easy to use, and they will help your houseplants grow well. You can use the humidifier when you leave your house, or whenever you feel like it. 

In addition to being beneficial to plants, increasing humidity during the winter months is beneficial to people as well.

How much moisture does a spider plant need?

Spider plants like a moist environment, so you should water them whenever the soil appears to be dry.

If you want to know if the soil is dry or wet, you can dig your finger into it or skewer it.

Make sure you don’t drown the soil by flooding it with water.

You should also water your plants when they start to wilt. If you notice that your plants look dry and wilted, it’s time to water them.

When the soil is wet, it should be able to absorb the water easily.

If you see that the soil has a lot of moisture, you should not water your plants because it will cause them to rot.

Also read: How Often to Water Spider Plants?

How often should you mist a spider plant?

Misting is one of the easiest ways to give your spider plant extra moisture. The best way to mist your spider plant is to use a spray bottle.

How often you should mist your spider plant will largely depend on how dry your home is.

If you have a dry home and also have a heater or air conditioner running, then you should mist your spider plant more often than if you are in a humid environment.

Previously we talked about the importance of humidity and how it affects the spider plant.

If your home is already quite humid, then you can mist your spider plant once or twice a week.

I recommend you to use a hygrometer to check the relative humidity level inside your home.

The hygrometer will tell you what the relative humidity level is in your home.

Also read: Spider Plant Care Guide for Beginners


To conclude, I would like to say that spider plants actually like humidity and will thrive in humid environments.

Your spider plant will grow faster and produce more leaves if you keep them in a humid environment. 

I hope this article will help you to increase the humidity level around your houseplant, and to keep your spider plant happy.

So, the next time you see your spider plants, try to monitor the humidity levels in your home. If the humidity is too low, try to increase it.

Now I’d like to hear from you: 

What conditions do your spider plants like? Have you had any issues with your spider plants in humid or dry environments?

I’d love to know what your experience has been with this topic, and how you are able to keep your spider plants happy.

Please feel free to comment below and share your experiences. Thanks for reading!    

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