How to Get Rid of Bugs on Spider Plants? (6 Common Bugs and Solutions)

How to Get Rid of Bugs on Spider Plants? (6 Common Bugs and Solutions)

You find that you have bugs on your spider plant, and they are killing the leaves. As a spider plant owner, this is upsetting, to say the least! Plant owners know how frustrating it is to find bugs on their plants.  There are many ways of getting rid of those pesky little creatures from your…

How Often to Water Spider Plants? (Tips for New Plant Parents)

How Often to Water Spider Plants? (Tips for New Plant Parents)

How often should you water your spider plants? It’s a question that many new plant parents are asking themselves. A lack of knowledge about how to care for their plants leads some people to over-water or under-water them, which can ultimately lead to them dying. There is no set watering schedule for spider plants. However,…

10 Benefits of Spider Plants You Should Know (Backed by Science!)

10 Benefits of Spider Plants You Should Know (Backed by Science!)

Spider plants are one of the easiest houseplants to grow. They don’t require much maintenance, and they are very attractive, making this plant a popular choice among beginner gardeners. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the ten benefits of spider plants that you should know. Spider plant benefits include how they can improve your…

8 Different Types of Spider Plants You Should Know (With Pictures)

8 Different Types of Spider Plants You Should Know (With Pictures)

If you’re looking for a plant that is easy to grow and requires little attention, spider plants may be a perfect choice. These plants are incredibly versatile and can even thrive in low-light environments, making it perfect for beginner houseplant lovers. Spider plants come in a wide variety of colors, sizes and shapes. This makes…

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Birds? (Answered)

Are Spider Plants Toxic to Birds? (Answered)

When bird owners think about popular houseplants, one of the first questions that come to mind is whether or not a particular houseplant is toxic to birds. The question “are spider plants poisonous or even toxic to birds?” has been posted several times concerning spider plants. Contrary to popular belief, spider plants are not poisonous…