Can A Spider Plant Live Outside? (Explained for Beginners!)

find out whether a spider plant can live outside your house.

Some people think that spider plants are only good for indoors because they are among the best indoor houseplants for beginners.

They might be wrong, though!

In certain conditions, spider plants can live outside your house just fine because, in their native environment, they grow outdoors in warm weather conditions.

In this blog post, we will discuss more about whether or not a spider plant can live outside.

If you are thinking of moving your spider plant outside of your house, this blog post will give you a few things to consider.

Let’s get started!

Can spider plants live outdoors?

Yes, your spider plants can live outdoors as long as they are given enough warmth. 

Natives to the African region, spider plants can live outside your house just fine.

In fact, in its natural habitat, a spider plant can grow in the outdoors just fine.

It is important to note that spider plants will not thrive when it is cold outside. This is because the spider plant has been specially adapted to live outdoors in tropical conditions.

So, you will have to be sure that the temperatures are warm enough for the spider plant.

If you live somewhere with mild winters, then you can keep your spider plants indoors and only bring them outside during the summer months.

Spider plants are, in general, very hardy plants that can survive outdoor living.

If you’ve been caring for your spider plant indoors, it shouldn’t be much different than doing so outdoors.

The main thing to remember is to provide the spider plant with ample sunlight and warm temperatures year-round to thrive and grow healthily.

Also read: Beginner Spider Plant Care: How to Care for a Spider Plant

Can potted spider plants live outside?

Yes. Many people think that you can only keep a potted spider plant inside your house.

This is not true at all! In fact, you can actually keep a potted spider plant outdoors just fine.

However, it is important to note that you will have to bring your potted spider plant inside if the temperatures are cold.

When it comes to keeping a potted spider plant outdoors, you need to consider what kind of pot you will use.

Some pots will not be able to withstand outdoor conditions.

This is because they are not designed to be used in outdoor environments.

Several things to think about before moving a spider plant outside.

Before moving your spider plant outside, there are several things you will need to think about. It is essential you know these things so that you can make sure your spider plant is happy and healthy when it is outside. 

Here are some factors you need to consider before bringing your spider plant outside:


It is important to note that the temperatures in your area will affect the health and growth of your spider plant.

The spider plant is a tropical plant that requires a warm environment to thrive.

If the temperatures are cold, you will have to bring your spider plant indoors during the winter months.

Only zones 9 to 11 are suitable for growing spider plants as perennials. In somewhat cooler climates, though, they can be cultivated as annuals.

Spider plants are advised to live in an optimum temperature range between 70°F and 90°F.


Your spider plant will require a humid environment in order to thrive.

This is because the spider plant is a tropical plant that is more comfortable in a humid environment. It will not survive in a dry climate.

Humidity is a critical factor when it comes to keeping a spider plant healthy and thriving.

If your spider plant leaves turn brown, the weather may be low in humidity. You may be able to prevent this from happening by misting your plant regularly.


Sunlight also plays an essential role in keeping your spider plant healthy and thriving.

Although your spider plant can do well in a low-light environment, it will need some kind of light to help it grow.

The thing is, the light outside can damage your spider plant if you’re not careful.

When you bring the plant outside, the sun can be extreme and damaging to your plant if it shines directly on it.

The best way to protect your plant is to grow it in a shady area.

This will help protect it from direct sunlight. Here’s the truth about your spider plant: it loves bright but indirect sunlight.

Also read: Do Spider Plants Need Sun? (Explained)


When it comes to watering your spider plant, you will have to remember that it likes a moist environment.

In an outdoor environment, the soil might get dry faster than you are used to. If you don’t water your spider plant regularly, then it may not be doing so well.

So make sure you keep your spider plant well-watered. As a result, you will have to water your spider plant more often than you would if it was inside.

If you are not careful with your watering, you may find that your plant’s leaves might turn brown.

This is one indication that your spider plant is not getting enough water. 

As you can see, there are many things to consider when it comes to moving a potted spider plant outdoors.

It is important that you think about these kinds of stuff to ensure your spider plant’s health and growth.

If you are not careful when it comes to keeping a spider plant outside, then you may end up damaging your plant and causing it to die. 

Also read: Why is My Spider Plant Turning Brown? Find Out Why!

How to move a spider plant outside?

If you’re looking to move your spider plant outside, it’s best to do this for a few hours in the beginning.

You’ll want to acclimate them to the new lighting conditions and take care of any root disturbance they might experience during the process.

Once you’ve moved your plant outside, make sure it gets plenty of light but also some shade.

It is also important to check for pest infestations as well as temperature changes.

If you find that your plant has been attacked by pests, then you may need to bring it inside until you find a solution to the problem.

Can spider plants live in direct sunlight?

You should not put your spider plant under direct sunlight. This may cause the leaves to turn brown.

No, spider plants can’t survive in direct sunlight. Even though it is a tropical plant, it does not tolerate high heat or humidity.

It needs indirect light to grow and thrive.

If you bring a spider plant outdoors under direct sunlight in summer, then you will find that its leaves will turn brown or even start to burn.

If you notice this happening, you will need to take steps to protect your spider plant from sunburn.

Will a spider plant survive winter?

Unfortunately, spider plants will not survive in cold weather. 

When the temperatures drop outside, the soil in your spider plant will freeze. This means that the roots of your spider plant will also freeze and die.

As a result, your spider plant will not be able to survive the winter.

Spider plants are tropical plants and do not do well in low temperatures. They need a warm environment to grow in.

If you live somewhere where it gets freezing during the winter, you may have to bring your spider plant inside. 

How cold can spider plants tolerate?

The latest survey has shown that spider plants can tolerate cold temperatures as low as 35°F without any problems. This means that a spider plant will not tolerate frost or freezing temperature.

In other words:

Spider plants can grow well outside as long as the temperatures are 35°F or higher.

As a general rule of thumb, they should not be exposed to temperatures below 65°F.

The same survey also shows that spider plants do not grow well at temperatures below 65°F.

Is the spider plant an indoor or outdoor plant?

Yes, spider plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors. 

Spider plants can be grown outside in your garden, but they also look great indoors. They do not need any special care when growing indoors.

You just need to provide them with bright, indirect sunlight and make sure that they are not exposed to extreme temperatures.

If you want to grow your spider plant outside, you need to find a place not exposed directly to sunlight. Spider plants are happy with indirect sunlight.

If you put your spider plant in direct sunlight, then it will be exposed to heat. This means that the leaves of your spider plant will start to burn.

However, if you want to grow it indoors, you will need to make sure that the room where you grow your spider plant is well ventilated and well lit.

Final Words

The spider plant is a beautiful tropical plant that lives outdoors in its natural habitat. So, your plants can grow outside of your house just fine.

They thrive in a warm, humid environment, so you need to take that into consideration when deciding whether you want to put your spider plant outside.

All in all, your spider plant should grow well outdoors in the United States. However, it might not be able to survive in icy areas.

As long as you follow the tips we have given you, you will be able to enjoy your spider plant outdoors. 

I hope this blog post answer your question about “can a spider plant live outside?”.

If you want to learn more about taking care of your houseplant, read our complete beginner guide about taking care of your house plant here.

Now, I’d like to hear from you:

Have you ever tried growing spider plants outside? Do they really thrive in your area?

Let me know in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!

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